What is ParaNode?
I came up with ParaNode Design by thinking of my own studio in 2020.
The main idea was to start a collaborative design studio for digital design technics. Helping customers to use cutting edge technologies like additive manifacturing, nodebased modelling, complex visualization and digital fabrication in there projects.
I have a small network of skilled designers i used to work with, that are able to support more complex projects. Aiming for an interdisciplanry design process that open new perspectivs to the futur.
Awards Recognitions Exhibitions
for TheConstitute with Kaya Holzmeyer
Part of "Watch Out" festival at Hellerau Festspielhaus, Dresden
for Wiete Sommer
Exhibitor at Re:public '23 in Berlin, Arena Berlin
with Burg ID students, robot installation "Paint-Pong with Quin"
Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule, Halle
Summersemester 2023
with Prof. Christian Zöllner, LB Robin Godwyll
Exhibitor at Re:public '22 in Berlin, Arena Berlin
with The Constitute, art installation "POINT OF YOU"
CAD II: 3D Modellierung in Rhinoceros // EK-Wahl
,Aufbaukurs WS2022 (1.-15.SW), remote
NEW NOW Festival for Digital Arts at Zeche Zollverein, Essen
with The Constitute, art installation "POINT OF YOU"
Exhibitor with DIY Plotter Art, Sonderausstellung "A Bit of Art"
At Zcom Zuse Computer Museum, Hoyerswerda
Blender Workshop // Methodische Gestaltungsübung
with Prof. Mareike Gast, Fabian Hütter und Karl Schikora
Komplexes Gestalten ab 3. Studienjahr BA/1. Studienjahr MA,
with Prof. Christian Zöllner, KM Amelie Goldfuß
Kids Design Award nominated with the graduation project Stria
together with VIctoria Palm
- Staged Design Show
Exhibitor at Staged Design Show Dresden
with Grow3d - parametric Bike saddle"
The Vara Lamp is a winner of the Red Dot Design Concept Award.
With Holy Trinity
About Me

Tom Witschel *1994 studied product design in Dresden and graduated with a Master of Arts. Since 2019 he has been working as a designer in the design studio The Constitute and is an expert in generative design. Since 2017, he has been giving workshops in the Fabmobil mainly in the field of digitally supported model making and 3D printing. Tom Witschel was also able to share his expertise as a lecturer at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule, Halle, and HTW Dresden in the Department of Design. Part of his teaching was courses and workshops on generative design, digital manufacturing, and product visualization.
In 2020, Tom Witschel founded the design studio Paranode-Design with a focus on computer-aided design, product design, visualization and digital manufacturing, The combination of these design fields, methods, and technologies makes it possible to explore alternative design languages and innovative product structures. This design competence makes Paranode Design an ideal partner for creative projects and complex design issues.